
facebook是什么鬼_Facebook的“ Messenger Day”是什么?

明天开始赚大钱 昨天 16:02


Oh look, another Facebook app—this time Messenger—is adding its own version of Snapchat’s popular Stories feature, where photos you post to a feed get automatically deleted after 24 hours. Facebook did a good job adding Stories to Instagram, but they’re potentially a less natural fit for some of their other apps.

哦,瞧,另一个Facebook应用程序(这次是Messenger)正在添加其自己的Snapchat受欢迎的Stories功能版本,您发布到Feed中的照片会在24小时后自动删除。 Facebook在将Stories添加到Instagram方面做得很好,但对于其他一些应用而言,它们可能不太自然。

So, let’s look at what Facebook “Messenger Day” is and what it does if, for some strange reason, you need another Snapchat clone in your life.

因此,让我们看一下Facebook的“ Messenger Day”是什么以及如果出于某种奇怪的原因而需要在生活中再使用一个Snapchat克隆的话。

基础知识:24小时后照片消失 (The Basics: Photos Disappear After 24 Hours)
Like the Stories features in Snapchat and Instagram, Messenger Day is a photo feed where every image you post stays visible to your friends and followers for 24 hours—a single day. After that, it vanishes. Unless you’ve saved the image separately, it’s gone for good.
像Snapchat和Instagram中的“故事”功能一样,“ Messenger Day”是一个照片供稿,您发布的每张图像在一天中都可以在24小时内对您的朋友和关注者可见。 在那之后,它消失了。 除非单独保存图像,否则它永远不会消失。

These auto-deleting feeds have struck a chord with a lot of teens and millennials. In a world where almost everything you do is tracked, recorded or archived in some way, it’s nice occasionally when photos just vanish of their own accord.

这些自动删除的供稿吸引了许多青少年和千禧一代。 在这个世界上,您所做的几乎所有事情都以某种方式被跟踪,记录或存档,有时候当照片自行消失时,这是很好的选择。

Facebook has given Messenger Day a prominent position in the Messenger app. Small thumbnails of your friends’ posts appear at the top of the message list. To view someone’s Messenger Day, just tap their thumbnail.

Facebook已使Messenger Day在Messenger应用程序中占据重要位置。 朋友帖子的小缩略图显示在消息列表的顶部。 要查看某人的Messenger Day,只需点击其缩略图。

So far, very few of my friends have actually started using it, preferring to stick with Snapchat or Instagram, but your friend group may differ.


如何发布到Messenger Day (How to Post to Messenger Day)

Facebook is actively encouraging people to use Messenger Day, so posting to it from the Messenger app is easy. Either tap the Add to Messenger Day button or the circle at the bottom of the screen. This brings up Messenger’s camera.

Facebook积极鼓励人们使用Messenger Day,因此从Messenger应用程序发布消息很容易。 点击添加到Messenger Day按钮或屏幕底部的圆圈。 这将打开Messenger的相机。

Any time you share a photo in a private chat, you’ll also be given the opportunity to add it to Messenger Day. You can also post photos from your phone.

每当您在私人聊天中共享照片时,您都将有机会将其添加到Messenger Day。 您也可以通过手机发布照片。

The Messenger camera works much the same as any of the other social network cameras. You take a photo by tapping the shutter button and then you can add various effects, filters, text, emoji and the like.

Messenger相机的工作原理与任何其他社交网络相机相同。 您可以通过点击快门按钮拍照,然后可以添加各种效果,滤镜,文本,表情符号等。

Messenger Day doesn’t have Snapchat’s most compelling feature, the virtual reality Lenses, but it’s otherwise pretty comparable.

Messenger Day没有Snapchat最引人注目的功能,即虚拟现实Lenses ,但在其他方面却相当。

When you’re ready to post your photo, tap the arrow. Messenger Day will automatically be selected. You can save the photo to your phone by selecting Camera Roll. You can also send the photo as a message to any of your friends. Tap Send and the photo will be posted.

准备发布照片时,请点击箭头。 Messenger Day将自动被选择。 您可以通过选择相机胶卷将照片保存到手机中。 您还可以将照片作为消息发送给您的任何朋友。 点击发送,照片将被发布。

Your photo is now live. Your Facebook friends who have the Messenger app will see it at the top of their app and be able to view it for 24 hours.

您的照片现已生效。 您的拥有Messenger应用程序的Facebook朋友将在其应用程序顶部看到它,并能够在24小时内对其进行查看。


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